Here’s a questionnaire for your Art of Micro Fishing submitted content on microfishing. You can fill out as much information as you can or you can use these questions to write an article to submit to The Art of Micro Fishing. If you fill out the questionnaire with enough information we can write an article for The Art of Micro Fishing website and give you credit for the article. This is common in publishing and the editor does the formatting and grammar checks. You can also write the entire article. Either way you will be attributed with the article. Add a few pics in there too and we will use them and give you credit for those as well.
Looking forward to seeing your submissions. We will get them ready first in first out as best we can. We can’t promise publish dates but it will be a steady stream coming out depending on your input.
Copy and Paste this to your word processor or writing and then copy paste it into The Art of Micro Fishing Facebook groups post specifically for this.
- Please provide a brief introduction about yourself (name, location, years of experience in microfishing).
Getting Started:
- When did you start microfishing?
- What inspired you to take up microfishing?
- What species do you like to micro fish for the most?
- Do you have a favorite location or spot for microfishing? If so, where?
Equipment & Gear:
- What’s your go-to equipment setup for microfishing?
- Do you have any favorite brands or gear recommendations for beginners?
Experiences & Memories:
- Share one of your most memorable microfishing experiences.
- Have you ever had any unexpected catches? Tell us about it!
Challenges & Learnings:
- What challenges have you faced while microfishing, and how did you overcome them?
- What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone new to microfishing?
Community & Sharing:
- Are you part of any microfishing groups or communities? Which ones?
- Do you share your catches on social media? If so, where can we follow you?
Conservation & Ethics:
- How do you ensure the safety and well-being of the fish you catch?
- What are your thoughts on conservation and the role of microfishing in it?
Future of Microfishing:
- Where do you see the future of microfishing heading?
- Are there any trends or innovations in microfishing that you’re excited about?
Personal Touch:
- Why do you love microfishing?
- How has microfishing impacted your life or perspective towards nature?
- Tips & Tricks:
- Share a tip or trick that has significantly improved your microfishing game.
- Exploration:
- Have you traveled specifically for microfishing? If so, where was your favorite destination?
- Learning Resources:
- Are there any books, videos, or courses you’d recommend for someone wanting to learn more about microfishing?
- Species Knowledge:
- Which species has been the most challenging for you to catch and why?
- Closing Thoughts:
- Is there anything else you’d like to share with the microfishing community?